The Revolutionary Longevity Vitamin of Future
The most researched natural pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) with vitamin-like properties essential for health and disease prevention.
BioPQQ™ is manufactured in Japan through proprietary fermentation process to yield a highly purified PQQ.
Cell Longevity Depends on Mitochondria
Positioned at the heart of cellular metabolism, mitochondria play a key role in generating energy. It also determines whether a cell need to be replaced or expelled through apoptosis.
However, mitochondria are susceptible to oxidative damage and required an efficient clearance mechanism to remove dysfunctional mitochondria via a process called – Mitochondrial Biogenesis.
PQQ Safeguard the Powerhouse of Cell
PQQ can stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis by activating PCG-1α and SIRT 1:
PQQ As Superior Antioxidant
PQQ is well-known for its strong antioxidant capacity.
The antioxidative capacity has been proven to be significantly higher than both Vitamin C, Vitamin E and CoQ10.