Unique Botanical Formulation
Increases Vasodilation Up to 50%
Improves Erection Hardness Score
SUGGESTED DOSE: 300 – 600 mg/ day
Unique Botanical Formulation
Approximately 50% of men between 40 and 70 years old are concerned by a decrease of sexual performance. EnoSTIM™ - a proprietary synergistic formulation from 3 active Ingredients (Apple and Grape Polyphenols – Enriched with Saffron), provides a natural solution for men’s health.
Increase Vasodilation up to 50%
EnoSTIM™ activates eNOs (endothelial Nitric Oxide synthase), an enzyme that synthetises NO which directly implicated in the vasodilation.

Improves Erection Hardness Score
Male sexual performace is mainly evaulated by erectile function:
The Erection Hardness Score (EHS)

In a study with a group of 94 volunteers (45+ years old, male, hardness score between 2 and 3, with sexual desire):
54% demonstrated an improvement on erection hardness score (EHS) after 3 weeks
Consumers with score 4 are 4.6X more in week 4
Evolution of the hardness score with EnoSTIM™ (EHS)
